How To Start a Digital Marketing Agency from scratch in 2023 🤦‍♂️

How do I start a 2023 digital marketing agency?

My current immense frustration is people releasing videos on youtube saying how easy it is to start a digital marketing agency. Right now, I need to stress that I’m living proof that anyone can make money by creating a digital agency or becoming a successful freelancer. But what makes me angry is that these videos severely undersell the exact skills required for you to make money by setting up a digital marketing agency. And watching any of these videos. I think they all watch each other’s videos.

How much does it cost to start a digital marketing agency?

Because they’re all saying the same thing and the strategy. It may have some different points, but it rolls out like this. And all you need to do to make money online is to pick a niche and start selling some packages, hire some freelancers to complete the work and then finally scale scale scale. From there. All you need to do is to sit back and enjoy you life.

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Spending Your days posting the below images on your favorite social platform and that would be posts of huge flying business class somewhere working at a beachside cafe with your laptop open with a latte right beside you and then my all-time favorite of you posting holding your phone showing everyone, your stripe balance from yesterday’s sales, having worked in the industry since 2010 and now surviving and thriving for over a decade with 12 years of experience. I can tell you that I’ve seen and operated and managed every single different type of business that you could. I’ve worked as a freelancer.

I’ve set up and run my digital agency, consulted with other digital agencies, and consulted with individuals who call themselves digital agencies. Still, there’s just someone who’s running this get-rich-quick strategy by setting up a digital agency. What my experience has taught me is that you need two core skill sets to succeed in setting up your digital agency or becoming a digital freelancer. The first one, and probably the most important, is that you need to be able to sell, regardless if you’re, running cold email campaigns sending through video reviews running webinars.

Whatever the fancy sales tactic of the day is, the fact remains that you need to be able to sell yourself and the services that you want to provide, and this includes everything from lead generation to closing the deal and getting someone to send their money to your bank account now for me, thankfully, in the first ten years of my career, it was pretty much spent in sales, both in high-pressure sales and also what we’d call more professional sales.

So I was lucky enough as I enter this industry. I came with a good understanding of how sales work and how to take someone from an initial lead through to signing off on that deal. So that is quite comfortable for me. But I know that for many people, the most significant barrier holding them back from success is that they find sales very, very uncomfortable, and what I mean by that is that they find it hard.

They don’t like doing it, and it’s what holds them back from seeing more significant amounts of success and achieving any income goals they’ve set for themselves and then to complicate this even further, this becomes incredibly harder if you’re trying to sell a skill or a service that you know deep down that you don’t know much about. While some people are comfortable doing this, most people, myself included, don’t feel comfortable selling. A skill or service they don’t know anything about brings us to the skill set you need: to become an expert in one of the areas where you want to target clients.

For so whether that would be google ads management, seo, web design, email marketing, or social media marketing, the reason why I’m listing this as a core skill is because if you know that you excel in one of these areas, it makes it so much easier for you to complete the sales process because you know that you can perform a profitable task, that other businesses need, and the other reason for why I’m saying that you need to be skilled in one of these areas is because, if you follow that different model, where you’re just selling, without having any expertise or knowledge in this area of digital marketing you’ll find it very, very hard to rescue, fix and increase the performance of your campaign if you select and hire a freelancer who can’t get the task completed- and this is why, in many cases, a lot of people who follow this get rich quick scheme through building a digital agency lose as many clients as they sign, because the clients that they are selling on leave very very quickly because you’re not able to achieve the results that you promised them through the sales process. And this is why I recommend doing the steps in the reverse of what the online marketing gurus are.

How do I start a digital marketing agency with no experience?

Sharing in that, I recommend the first step to building a successful and long-lasting career online. Whether creating a digital agency or becoming a freelancer, it is first to become an expert in one of those areas, say, for example, what I did google ads and when I say expert status. This isn’t reliant on the number of years that you’ve been doing a service. What you want to know is that you want to see that you’ve had someone’s campaign, and you’re able to say, for example, double the amount of sales they achieve in six months, or you may be able to reduce that conversion. Acquisition costs by 30 percent over three months, with the focus being that you want to have some success stories.

So when you’re looking to sign some extra clients, you can give them real-life campaigns and show them and say: look. Here’s a client previously: they were only getting ten thousand dollars in sales a month. After three months, I increased their sales to eighteen thousand or twenty thousand dollars, or you can show them client b. Is it when they started with you? They were paying twenty dollars per lead, and then, after three months, you drop that acquisition cost down to 15. So you’re going to the sales process with tangible results; you’re not making hello promises; you are giving them real-life examples of clients and campaigns that you’ve had success with plus. On top of that, because you’ve been so successful with your clients, you will also have some testimonials that you can show them throughout the sales process, and this helps them to have more trust in your services and my business. I’ve got countless clients who are happy to even act as a reference.

Is Digital Agency profitable?

So I can have new clients reaching out to existing clients to double check that they are happy with my results and the level of service that I provide them, and what I’d also recommend is that if you have got success in one little individual business niche is to continue to focus on that niche reaching out to the same or similar businesses who may operate in a different geographic location. And the benefit of that is that the testimonials and the success stories you’re bringing over will be highly relevant to the new potential client you’re trying to sign and all the time as you’re signing up new clients. You’re. You are getting more and more experience in your chosen skill set if you’re watching this video right now, and that’s you.

You want to increase your income by building your digital agency or becoming a successful google ad. Freelancer, I want to leave you with a couple of thoughts, and the first one is: is what I want you to remember? This quote is that most people will overestimate what they can achieve in one year.

They’ll underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years, and what I want you to understand is that your business growth will not be linear in that you won’t have the same level of growth year on year; many businesses, including mine experience, what’s called hockey, stick growth and what that means is they have several years where they’ve just got small incremental change.

Then one year out of the blue, they get a massive increase in sales and income coming into their business. I genuinely believe this is the type of growth you want to see in your business, where you’ve spent multiple years building your skill set and refining your skills. Also, improving your messaging and the ways that you’re outreaching new clients and the ways that you sell, and the way that you price your services, and I prefer this type of growth.

Because it means that you’re more likely not to have that tremendous growth and then that quick fall away because, unfortunately, that is a trend that happens far too often in many of these short-growth strategies in that their businesses fall apart as quickly as they grow. In contrast, for you, the goal is, is that you want to create long-term success in your business career. Then finally, if you’re interested in learning google ads, that can become the skill set you use to build your freelancing or digital agency.

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